A resident and his visitors have been banned from an over 55s housing complex in Stafford after complaints about anti-social behaviour.
A resident and his visitors have been banned from an over 55s housing complex in Stafford after complaints about anti-social behaviour.
Fellow residents of Marston Court complained about people throwing stones at windows, kicking at the front door, pressing the intercom and wandering drunk around the premises in the early hours.
Stafford Borough Council has now secured an order from Magistrates Court which means the man’s address is now off limits to him and his visitors. Anyone breaching the order could face a year in jail.
The two-storey independent living scheme for the over 55’s is run by ‘Homes Plus,’ but as they are not entitled by law to apply for a closure order, the borough council stepped in.
Leader of the borough council, Aidan Godfrey, said he hoped this would bring an end to the ‘torment’ that the other residents had suffered.
He said: “We would have preferred to have worked with the tenant and resolve this situation without having to go to the Magistrates Court. This legal route is always a last resort.
“Many of the residents are older and moved into this housing complex to enjoy a good quality of life - and this has been denied to them by irresponsible and loutish behaviour.”
The 56-year-old tenant continued to allow the disruptive visitors to come to his property despite receiving several warnings over the past six months relating to dozens of incidents.
The complex has 34 flats and many of the residents are elderly including someone over 100 years old.
Cllr Godfrey added: “I am glad that we have been able to take steps to stop those intent on spoiling the quality of life of others and hope it will bring an end to their torment.”
The ‘closure notice’ has been brought under the ASB Crime and Policing Act 2014. It means the tenant must arrange with Homes Plus to enter the complex to remove personal items.
Police and the borough council fixed court notices to the door of the man’s home and external doors of the building warning people of the penalties for breaching the order.
Detective Sergeant Stephen Windridge, (pictured) of the Stafford local policing team, said: “We are committed to tackling community concerns and have been working closely with the local authority to address anti-social behaviour (ASB) in Stafford.
“I’m pleased that we’ve been able to act on the concerns of residents who have been affected by the issues at Marston Court and secure this closure order.
“Work is continuing with our partners to identify those responsible for persistent ASB issues in the local area. Officers will continue to speak with residents and businesses to make sure their concerns are actioned as robustly as possible.
“We would encourage anyone who is affected by anti-social behaviour to call us directly on 101 or send a message using the Live Chat function on our website. Those who wish to remain anonymous can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”