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Consultation opens on sex venue policy in Stafford

Residents and businesses can now give their views on proposals to improve regulation of potential lap dancing clubs and sex shops in Stafford Borough.

A consultation was launched this week (Wednesday 14 June) by Stafford Borough Council on a draft ‘Sex Establishment Policy’ for the area. 

The proposals aim to give local people and councillors greater control over potential sex establishments, such as how they operate and where they can be located. And the policy would help thwart legal challenges and appeals if the council opposed applications for premises - for example lap dancing clubs, sex shops, and strip shows. 

It would also mean applications for new venues must be heard by the borough council’s Licensing Sub-committee. 

The six-week consultation was given the green light by the borough council’s Cabinet, last week - and residents and businesses are now being encouraged to have their say. You can see the draft policy and feedback from www.staffordbc.gov.uk/sex-establishment-policy-consultation  

Copies are also available by contacting the local authority’s Licensing Section at ehlicensing@staffordbc.gov.uk or on 01785 619745.  

The policy would make sure venues could not open in unsuitable locations - and lists schools, places of worship, and children’s play facilities as places to be taken into consideration if an application was made.  

A final decision on the draft policy will be made at a meeting of the council later this year.  

Councillor Ian Fordham, Cabinet Member for Environment, said the policy would give more transparency in decision making to applications for sex establishments in the borough. 

He said: “This policy would give the council and community more control if applicants   want to open these types of premises - or vary an existing licence - and it provides us with a stronger position to resist any legal challenges to our decisions. 

“I hope local people and businesses will take the opportunity of giving us their feedback on the new policy.” 

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